Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My painting start from daily words. In my pray and my private life. The secret words that I’m not used to talk to the public. Starts from playing words, fonts, colors to become more artistic. My deep expressions. Words that peoples not really understand. Mumbles, slogans, sang, melodies in my hearts.

I don’t want people thing that art is far away from human. Art for me is something to enjoy, beauty, fun not something too heavy for anybody.

It’s my honor if people who see my painting can enjoy it, can smile, feel happy, motivated, same as I feel while I painting it. Destroy my problems, routines. I can playing with public rules to explore it in my canvas. That’s only an icon that I play it. In our complicated words today, I hope there’s anybody who has pure heart. See light is light, beauty is beauty, simple is simple, not intended to disparage the meaning of beauty, simple, and light. That’s never be wrong to become a kid to see colour ,shape, form, icon can free to play for aesthetic. Refreshing from the world full of rules, hidden meaning, and suspicions.